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April 1, 2024

The Write Posture: Sustain Your Spine and Boost Creativity

The Write Posture: Sustain Your Spine and Boost Creativity
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Write Medicine

Are you unknowingly sabotaging your spine health every time you sit down to write?

As a medical writer, you pour your mental energy into crafting high-quality documents. But while you're focused on engaging your mind, your body may suffer silently. 

Poor posture, repetitive movements, and prolonged periods of sitting can lead to neck strain, back pain, and other musculoskeletal problems that impact your physical well-being and ability to think clearly and creatively.

In this episode of Monday Mentor, chiropractor, researcher and medical writer Peter Stein PhD, DC shares some of his insights about spine health, including:

1. How your spine supports your cognitive performance and creativity as a writer

2. Practical strategies for integrating better ergonomics and physical variety into your writing routine 

3. Quick and simple "micro-breaks" you can take to alleviate spine tension, even when racing to meet a deadline

Don't let poor spine health derail your writing - tune in now to give your body the same attention and care you give your words!

Time Stamps

(01:24) - Introducing Peter

(02:15) - Spine health importance for writers

(07:51) - His insights on injuries that stem from keyboard work

(11:31) - Some of the immediate and actionable things that writers can do to protect, support, and promote spine health.

(15:46) - Connecting with work tools

(17:23) - Other ways we can integrate movement into our everyday routine

(20:42) - Things Peter sees as being important for spine health in general

(23:59) - His final thoughts on spine health

(26:24) - Key takeaways from Monday Mentor

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About Write Medicine

Hosted by Alexandra Howson PhD, CHCP

Produced by Golden Goose Creative

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